MIT Press journals including Asian Economic Papers earn high impact factors in 2022

Several journals from the MIT Press achieve impressive impact factors this past year

We are honored to share that many MIT Press journals were impactful in their fields in 2022, earning high impact factors—which measure recent citation activity for scholarship—and placing at the top of all journals for their areas of study. 

Asian Economic Papers rose sharply in the ranks to #7 in its field, achieving an impact factor of 9.7. Its 2022 journal citation indicator—a number that notes how frequently a journal’s articles are cited compared to the average for its field—was 4.88, meaning that it was cited nearly five times more than the average journal in economics tracked by the SSCI.

“We’re thrilled to see the significant rise of Asian Economic Papers’ impact factor in 2022,” says Nick Lindsay, Journals and Open Access Director for The MIT Press. “The commitment to publishing rigorous analyses of key trends in Asian economies has brought the journal deserved acclaim and we’re very proud to be its publisher. We wish Wing Thye Woo and everyone else associated with the journal a most hearty congratulations.”

Other MIT Press journals performed well in 2022 over their peers:

Congratulations to our journals’ editorial teams for their remarkable achievements in 2022. We look forward to continued successes in the year to come.

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